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Metro Areas in Alabama
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Cities in Alabama
Abbeville Cleveland Grant Millport Satsuma
Abernant Clio Graysville Millry Scottsboro
Adamsville Coaling Green Pond Minter Seale
Addison Coden Greensboro Mobile Section
Addiston Coker Greenville Monroeville Selma
Adger Collinsville Grove Hill Montevallo Seminole
Alabaster Columbia Guin Montgomery Semmes
Albertville Columbiana Gulf Shores Montrose Shannon
Alexander City Cook Springs Guntersville Moody Sheffield
Alexandria Coosa Pines Gurley Mooresville Shelby
Aliceville Cordova Hackleburg Morris Shorter
Allgood Cottondale Haleyville Moulton Shorterville
Alton Courtland Hamilton Moundville Silas
Altoona Cowarts Hanceville Mount Hope Slocomb
Andalusia Creola Harpersville Mount Meigs Smiths
Anniston Cropwell Harselle Mount Olive Snead
Arab Crossville Hartford Mount Vernon Somerville
Ardmore Cuba Hartselle Mulga Spanish Fort
Ariton Cullman Hatchechubbee Munford Springville
Arley Cusseta Hayneville Muscle Shoals Sprott
Arlington Dadeville Hazel Green Nanafalia Spruce Pine
Ashford Daleville Headland New Brockton Stapleton
Ashland Daphne Heflin New Hope Steele
Ashville Dauphin Island Helena New Market Sterrett
Athens Daviston Henagar Newton Stevenson
Atmore Deatsville Hillsboro Northport Sthens
Attalla Decatur Holly Pond Notasulga Sulligent
Auburn Delta Hollywood Oakman Sumiton
Autaugaville Demopolis Hoover Odenville Summerdale
Axis Dickinson Hope Hull Ohatchee Summonton
Baileyton Dolomite Horton Oneonta Sweet Water
Bay Minette Dora Houston Opelika Sycamore
Bayou La Batre Dothan Huntsville Opp Sylacauga
Bear Creek Double Springs Hurtsboro Orange Beach Sylvania
Beatrice Dozier Huxford Owens Cross Roads Talladega
Belk Duncanville Ider Oxford Tallassee
Belle Mina Dutton Irondale Ozark Tanner
Bellwood East Brewton Irvington Paint Rock Tarrant
Benton Eastaboga Jachin Palestine Tarrant City
Berry Eclectic Jack Parrish Theodore
Bessemer Eight Mile Jackson Pelham Thomaston
Birmingham Elba Jacksonville Pell City Thomasville
Blountsville Elberta Jasper Pennington Thorsby
Boaz Eldridge Jemison Perdue Hill Toney
Boligee Elkmont Killen Peterman Town Creek
Bon Secour Elmore Kimberly Petrey Townley
Brantley Empire Kinston Phenix City Toxey
Bremen Enterprise Laceys Spring Piedmont Trinity
Brent Eufaula Lafayette Pike Road Troy
Brewton Eutaw Lanett Pine Apple Trussville
Bridgeport Eva Lapine Pine Hill Tuscaloosa
Brierfield Evergreen Lavaca Pine Level Tuscumbia
Brilliant Fairfield Lawley Pinson Tuskegee
Brookwood Fairhope Leeds Pittsview Tyler
Brownsboro Falkville Leesburg Plantersville Union Grove
Brundidge Faunsdale Leighton Pleasant Grove Union Springs
Bucks Fayette Leroy Point Clear Uniontown
Burmingham Flat Rock Lester Prattville Uriah
Butler Flomaton Lexington Prichard Valley
Bynum Florala Lincoln Quinton Valley Head
Calera Florence Linden Qullman Vance
Camden Foley Lineville Ragland Verbena
Camp Hill Fort Deposit Livingston Rainbow City Vernon
Capshaw Fort Payne Louisville Rainsville Vina
Carbon Hill Fort Rucker Lowndesboro Ramer Vincent
Carrollton Fosters Loxley Red Bay Vinemont
Castleberry Frisco City Luverne Red Level Wadley
Catherine Fulton Lynn Reform Warrior
Cedar Bluff Fultondale Madison Remlap Waterloo
Centre Fyffe Maplesville Repton Watson
Centreville Gadsden Marbury Roanoke Webb
Chapman Gantt Marion Robertsdale Wedowee
Chatom Gardendale Marion Junction Rockford Wetumpka
Chelsea Geneva McCalla Rogersville Whistler
Cherokee Georgiana McIntosh Russellville Wilmer
Chickasaw Geraldine McShan Saginaw Wilsonville
Childersburg Gilbertown Mentone Salem Winfield
Chunchula Glencoe Meridianville Samson Woodstock
Citronelle Goodwater Midland City Saraland Woodville
Clanton Gordo Millbrook Sardis York
Clayton Grand Bay
